What is WPortal

The main objective of the portal is to interact with customers, employees, salespeople and even other entities through the internet channel.

It is now almost mandatory that companies should assume that it is essential functionality for a correct relationship with third parties and for a perfect flow of information in the organics of a company that is intended to be technologically updated.

With the Management programs running on our local servers, most of the data contained in our databases in the company is necessary to communicate or make the consultation available to employees and customers.

For security reasons, we do not allow access to our databases directly, so data is synchronized with the internet, to a mirror database, where online consultation of these data is configured and allowed, among other features, allows the registration of time sheets, vacation requests, communication of expenses and absences. Consultation of salary receipts, consultation of customer information, in your reserved area the customer can also consult invoices, statements, pending payment, submit orders or budget requests to the company, among many other features.

The customer has a single access. For a better integration and interaction of customer data, wportal.pt simultaneously provides data from ERP-Gestão Administrativa clients and also from WHumans clients of Temporary Work companies, both programs have client management and these data are available at www.wportal.pt .